Monday, October 23, 2006

Wired News: Battle of the New Atheism

Wired News: Battle of the New Atheism

Gary Wolf explores various aspects of modern atheism. A good read for the Agnostic/Atheist fence sitter. Unlikely to change the views of a True Believer.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bible Should Have 'Fiction' Disclaimer

Da Vinci Code Actor: Bible Should Have 'Fiction' Disclaimer

Concerning the calls from religious groups to put a "This Is Fiction" disclaimer on the film The Da Vinci Code, actor Ian McKellen said:

"Well, I've often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying this is fiction."

To paraphrase Sir Ian, "That's a jolly good quote".

Friday, April 28, 2006

Fighting for Separation of Church and State - DefCon: Campaign to Defend the Constitution

Fighting for Separation of Church and State - DefCon: Campaign to Defend the Constitution

DefCon is an online grassroots movement combating the growing power of the religious right. We will fight for the separation of church and state, individual freedom, scientific progress, pluralism, and tolerance while respecting people of faith and their right to express their beliefs.