Monday, October 10, 2005

James Randi Educational Foundation

James Randi Educational Foundation

Here's an excellent starting point for the budding skeptic or those curious about skepticism. If you are already a skeptic I don't need to tell you about James Randi and the Million Dollar Challenge.

If you believe in the factual existence of the Tooth Fairy, Jesus, the Easter Bunny, Zeus, angels, pixies, etc. then this site will probaly make you uncomfortable.

If you are a True Believer in homeopathic medicine, astrology, the Bible, crystal power, tarot cards, the Koran, etc. you should visit this site at least once. If you visit twice then perhaps you have at least a spark of rationality.

Once you've dipped your toes in the pool of rational sanity please check out the next step in your path to enlightment:

Skeptic Magazine

The Skeptics Society is a scientific and educational organization of scholars, scientists, historians, magicians, professors and teachers, and anyone curious about controversial ideas, extraordinary claims, revolutionary ideas, and the promotion of science. Our mission is to serve as an educational tool for those seeking clarification and viewpoints on those controversial ideas and claims.


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